Create Order
In WebCommander, when a customer creates order, that will be added in Order List. Here, you will be able to see the Order Details, Order Status, Manage Payment, Manage Shipments, View Comment History, Complete, or Cancel Order. Orders can also be created from the backend. You must log into your WebCommander account to create the Orders.
Prerequisites to create an Order
Shipping Profile, Customer, and Product must be added in the system before creating an order. If you are facing problem regarding these issues, please refer to the user documents related to the following topics
- Log into WebCommander
- Create Product
- Create Shipping Profile
- Create Customer
- Navigate to Web Content-> Document and Create a Picking Slip format as per your company and set it to “Active” status
- Navigate to Web Content-> Document and Create Invoice Format and set it to “Active” status
Manually Create Order
Navigation: Web Commerce >> Orders >> + Create
An order can be created from the back-end also. There are some consecutive processes to execute and manage the order from backend. Here, the creation of an order has been described elaborately.
Layout Page – click on “Create” Button
- Filter: From here, one can choose or filter out the list of Pending, Completed, Cancelled orders.
- Search: Here, you can search for any order. To search an order, enter the Order ID/ Customer Name in the search box.
- Advance Search: To search an order more specifically, one can provide different information e.g. Customer Name, Product Name, Order ID, Product SKU, Order Date, etc. of the product and reach that order instantly.
- Remove Search: From here, you can remove Advanced Search for a product.
- Actions: There are two types of actions in order page by which contain more functions of order management.
Manage Owner Permission: Different permission issues can be generated from here.
Export: To download the order details click on this button.
- + Create: By clicking + Create button, one can create a new order from the back-end.
- Reload: To load the page again, click on this button.
Create New Order
- Click on Web Commerce from the Main Navigation panel.
- Click on the Orders option.
- Click the + Create to create a new order.
- Select Customer: Select a customer from the customer list to order the product.
- Next: Click on this button to go to the next page.
- Select: Select product/ products from this selection column.
- Quantity: Give the quantity of how many/ much product do you want.
- Next: Click on this button to go to the next page.
- Billing Address: In this box, you have to give information about your billing address.
Edit: By clicking on this button you can edit the information of the billing address.
Change: You might need to change your address of billing. Then, click on this button and provide different information.
- Shipping Address: In this box, you have to give information about your shipping address.
Edit: By clicking on this button you can edit the information of the shipping address.
Change: You might need to change your address of shipping. Then, click on this button and provide different information
- Fetch Shipping Price: Clicking on this button an automatic process will calculate the shipping cost.
- Next: Click on this button to go to the next page
- Payment Gateway: Select a way to pay the bill for the product.
- Previous: If you want to change the information on the previous page, you can click on this button.
- Order Now: Click on this button to complete the order.
- Cancel: If you want to stop ordering a product you can click on this button.
NOTE: You will get a “Success” message as below
Check the Created Order